CCN TJU 中心预科留学生专访

Interviews with CCN TJU Center IFP Students


2023-2024学年,CCN IFP 项目A路径学生来到中国开始一年的预科学习,他们与一群来自世界各地的国际学生一起学习、交友,享受留学中国的乐趣与挑战,让我们一起来看天津大学预科中心同学们的精彩分享吧。

  1. 有趣、有意义的专属中文名字
  2. 学生眼中的中国汉字,真的难吗?

In the academic year 2023-2024, CCN IFP students of Route A embarked on a transformative journey of one-year-long foundational studies in China. During their first couple of months here, they not only immersed themselves in their coursework, but also made friends with international students on campus from all over the world, enjoying the fun and challenges of studying in China.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful answers students from CCN IFP Centre at Tianjin University provided to the following two questions:

  1. What is the meaning behind your Chinese name?
  2. Are Chinese characters really that difficult?